You know when you reach a turning point...

You know right, when you reach a turning point--and you say--' I'm done.' Done with all the crap--all the permutations, and the twisting and turning and lies--and, Well--just crap!  The fronting--and half lies, and cheating and 'omissions'.  And the many many layers of 'let me present myself thisaway--and see what I can get away with'.  It takes a village.  Sometimes you've just got to stand up and say--I'M A GOING this a way.  Straight talking, ALIGNMENT, no cross tangles in communication, or ambitions.  This a way.  Straight like an arrow--And Truth.

And present myself--just as I was made.  And look for foundations so strong, they'll let me build in a different direction.  And look towards goodness, and softnness and gentleness--And Yes--An ABUNDANCE of so many ways I can be.  All good.  And healthy.

That's what the Truthcomb offers you.  You don't have to have your strands all going in different directions--like they have individual agendas--and 'NOBODY' got any memo.  Or cross tangled so tight, you can't separate them!  Or bunched up, like softness is out of style!  And shine is against who you are!

We offer you a foundation from which you can build your natural hair; SOFT, shiny, well conditioned, healthy, tangle free hair.


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